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CEG Experts discuss competition issues at the Collective Actions and Mass Torts conference in London.

Nils von Hinten-Reed, Managing Director, and Thierry Wetzel, Associate Director will be speaking on two panels at the Perfect Law conference on Collective Actions and Mass Torts in London on 27-28 April. Nils will be chairing a panel on Article 102 TFEU and collective actions. Thierry will be a panellist discussing pre-action services including investigations and statistical evidence.

The Global Class Actions and Mass Torts Conference is an international event aimed to serve all those who have an interest in collective redress. The conference is a great hub to meet the biggest players in the world to discuss and expand common interests. The conference will bring together leading academics, members of the judiciary, regulators and class action experts. Experts from around the globe will share their knowledge on seeking collective redress and improving access to justice.

Link to the event